5 Minute Scientific Investigations Activities (Free!)
Lesson plan and student worksheets
The FREE 5 minutes activites are a collection...

A Level Practical Skills Matches A Level Practical Skills Matches eBook (Free!)
Lesson plan and student worksheets
DO249Second Edition: A-Level Required Practical Activities. Following from...

Accelerometer (Low g 3-axis)
datalogging sensors
3200Ideal for measuring small accelerations such as change...

Gas Pressure Accessory Pack
datalogging accessories
3138The pack contains a selection of tubing...

Gas Pressure Accessory Pack (For Smart Wireless)
datalogging accessories
1149This pack contains a selection of tubing elements...

GCSE Required Practical Activities eBook (Free!)
Lesson plan and student worksheets
DO249These worksheets are designed to work with the...

Holey Cap set
datalogging accessories
3174Used to hold sensors (Temperature, Oxygen, pH,...

Infrared Sensor
datalogging sensors
3278The Infrared sensor adds another dimension to heat...

Light gate / Photo gate
datalogging sensors
3250The Light gate is a digital switch-type sensor...

Light level sensor (multi-range)
datalogging sensors
3124A light sensor that is balanced to the...

Sound level
datalogging sensors
3175Dual range sensor that accurately measures both sound...

STEM Renewable Energies
STEM lessons and models pack
5598819 Models. Make the basics of renewable energies...

Temperature Sensor
datalogging sensors
3100An ideal replacement for a standard glass thermometer...

V-Hub4 USB & Bluetooth
2504PKClassroom based data capture using wireless technology ...

V-Hub8 USB & Bluetooth
2508PKV-Hub Sensor Link makes your existing Data Harvest...

V-Log4 USB +Bluetooth
2406PKA low cost 4 channel remote data logger. With...

V-Log8 USB+ Bluetooth
2410PKA low cost 8 channel remote data logger with 4...

Voltage - Differential 12V
datalogging sensors
3160-12Monitor voltage over a fast short or long...

Wireless Acceleration Sensor 3-axis
wireless datalogging sensors
1192An accelerometer is an electromechanical device that...

Wireless Atmospheric Pressure Sensor
wireless datalogging sensors
1148The Wireless Atmospheric Pressure Sensor is designed...

Wireless Force Accelerometer Sensor
wireless datalogging sensors
1120This sensor is a combination of both...

Wireless Infrared Sensor
wireless datalogging sensors
1205Leslie’s cube, insulation, heat along a metal...

Wireless Light & Colour Sensor
wireless datalogging sensors
1160This sensor can be used to measure...

Wireless Light Gate Sensor, single
wireless datalogging sensors
1200Each Light Gate is actually a double...

Wireless Motion Sensor (Linear)
wireless datalogging sensors
1190The Motion sensor is a sonar device...

Wireless Smart Dynamic System
wireless datalogging sensors
1500pkPhysics ready out of the box The dynamics...

Wireless Sound Level Sensor
wireless datalogging sensors
1145This sensor accurately measures sound pressure level...

Wireless Temperature Sensor
wireless datalogging sensors
1100The Wireless Temperature Sensor can be used...

Wireless UV Ultraviolet Sensor
wireless datalogging sensors
1207This multi-range sensor will measure the intensity...