Small Structural Learning Group Kit

Hands-on Manipulatives

Structural Learning

Product Description

Cognitive Building Bricks for Literacy/Critical Thinking

They are connectable bricks with miniature white boards that have been used with great success at preparatory and senior schools for teaching Languages, Humanities and Sciences. They have these cross-phase applications:   1) Enhance critical thinking across subjects 2) Improve literacy 3) Develop intellectual character


The small Structural Learning Kit consists of:

  • 41 Bricks (approx) in three different colours.
  • 80 miniature whiteboards (approx).
  • Storage Box.
  • 5 x Pens

This small group kit is suitable for approximately 5 - 8 pupils.



About Metacognition

3 documents about metacognition, an infographic of the basic principles connected to the bricks, a metacognition scale (taken from our R&D journal) and finally building thinking processes which maps different types of cognition and how one can move between them in the same task, increasing complexity from top to bottom. The bricks can be used for most of these 'ways of thinking'.

  1.  Metacognition principle
  2. Metacognitio scale
  3. Building thinking processes


HK$ 990.00