Find out more about the new British Computing Curriculum (Primary and Secondary)
Computing At School: the British teachers' organization behind the crafting team of the new British computing curriculum
Download useful documents:
The new British computing curriculum:
an interview with Mark Dorling
The new British computing curriculum:
Miles Berry on computing
More about Physical Computing
Hands-on challenge, see our robotics solutions below.
BrainPOP and Hour of Code
25 minutes webinar on Hour of Code
Ohbot (with course materials)
305Ohbot is a seven motor programmable robot head....
Robotics in Industry
5330204 models. Txt controller, Scratch 3.0, micro:bit ready...
Touch Board Starter Kit
Conductive Paint Activity Kit
SKU-5235Design with paintable sensors! If you’ve ever thought...
fischertechnik STEM 2 kit for the BBC micro:bit & AI 智能家居/ 社區/ 遊樂場
Model Pack with sensor/input/output
12 models, 200+ parts. Introduce students...
ROBOTICS TXT Controller 4.0
560166The TXT 4.0 Controller offers plenty of new features with...
Smart Robots Pro
56902112 models. The complete beginner's package for children...