Find out more about the new British Computing Curriculum (Primary and Secondary)
Computing At School: the British teachers' organization behind the crafting team of the new British computing curriculum
Download useful documents:
The new British computing curriculum:
an interview with Mark Dorling
The new British computing curriculum:
Miles Berry on computing
More about Physical Computing
Hands-on challenge, see our robotics solutions below.
BrainPOP and Hour of Code
25 minutes webinar on Hour of Code
Art and Music @ BrainPOP Jr.
Software Online Subscription
Art (colour, sculpture, Picasso...), Music (Pitch,Tone...) Subscribe to BrainPOP...

Software Online Subscription
Computer Science, Communications and Digital Citizenship. Subscribe to BrainPOP...

Software Online Subscription
BrainPOP builds essential literacy skills in all subjects...

Robotics in Industry
5330204 models. Txt controller, Scratch 3.0, micro:bit ready...

Curious Learners in Primary Maths, Science, Computing and DT (STEM)
Teacher's Book
9781473952386Whether it is in the British National...

fischertechnik STEM 2 kit for the BBC micro:bit & AI 智能家居/ 社區/ 遊樂場
Model Pack with sensor/input/output
12 models, 200+ parts. Introduce students...

Computing /Technology @ BrainPOP Jr.
Software Online Subscription
Computational Thinking, Engineering and Design Process, Loops, Internet...

ROBOTICS TXT Controller 4.0
560166The TXT 4.0 Controller offers plenty of new features with...

Smart Robots Pro
56902112 models. The complete beginner's package for children...

STEM Coding Max
574721Hands-on and problem-based construction and programming in...