Electricity from water power (Physics (11-14) eBook)
Use a simple water wheel to make electricity via generator. Monitor the voltage and or current over time against other variables e.g. flow, fall height etc.
Light and voltage (Physics (11-14) eBook)
Investigations with simple solar cells. Voltage produced, current, effect of light intensity, insolation angle etc.
Current and voltage in a series circuit (Physics (11-14) eBook)
This one of a series of investigations into current in a circuit. This part requires additional lamps and or cells to be added and the changes measured.
Brightness vs. voltage (using sensors) (Physics (11-14) eBook)
How is the brightness of a simple filament lamp affected by voltage. Use sensors to plot light intensity against voltage:
Specific heat capacity of a liquid (Physics (14-18) : Electricity & Heat eBook)
This investigation will measure the specific heat capacity of a liquid (water). A sample of water of known mass is heated by known number of degrees by an electrical heater.
Electrical Equivilence Of Heat (Physics (14-18) : Electricity & Heat eBook)
The experiment is very simple and compares the power generated in heating a resistance coil to the heat energy transferred to the water. Measurements are made in Joules to emphasise the transfer of energy.
Start up current of a lamp (Physics (14-18) : Electricity & Heat eBook)
High speed data logging, making the invisible visible! See how the current, voltage, resistance and power all change at the instant a lamp turns on. Starts to explain why lights only fail at turn on!
Stefan - Boltzmann law. (Physics (14-18) : Electricity & Heat eBook)
The experiment illustrates the Stefan - Boltzmann law. It does not give a value for the Boltzmann constant. A simple tungsten filament automotive lamp is used as the source of thermal radiation. The investigation tests if the radiation is really to the 4th power of temperature.
Calibration of a thermometer (Seebeck effect) (Physics (14-18) : Electricity & Heat eBook)
In the investigation two junctions are used, one is placed in a constantly cold temperature the other has varying temperatures applied to it.
Specific heat capacity of a solid (Physics (14-18) : Electricity & Heat eBook)
This investigation will measure the specific heat capacity of a solid. A block of metal of known mass is heated by an electrical heater through a known number of degrees. The electrical energy required to create this temperature rise is determined and used to find the specific heat capacity.
What changes the current in a circuit? (Physics (14-18) : Electricity & Heat eBook)
Simple (revision) exercise to see how the number of cells in circuit changes the current,
What changes the current in a circuit (Physics (14-18) : Electricity & Heat eBook)
Alternative exercise using snapshot to collect data instead of reading values off a meters screen.
Good and bad conductors (Physics (14-18) : Electricity & Heat eBook)
This activity is a standard practical comparing current flow with different materials in a circuit. Strips of different conductors and insulators are provided for the pupils. Conductors are anything that let a current flow.
Connecting resistors (Physics (14-18) : Electricity & Heat eBook)
Shows the current in circuit with different resistor values and combinations. Leads to resistor calculations.
Current and voltage (Physics (14-18) : Electricity & Heat eBook)
Introductory activity to explore the relationship between current and voltage with an ohmic conductor. In this variant changes in voltage and current are measured against time.
Current and voltage (Physics (14-18) : Electricity & Heat eBook)
Introductory activity to explore the relationship between current and voltage with an ohmic conductor. In this variant changes in voltage and current are plotted directly against each other, leading into characteristics of conductors / components.
Simple series circuits (lamp resistors) (Physics (14-18) : Electricity & Heat eBook)
The effect of a component offering electrical resistance in circuit is revised.
Ohms Law (Physics (14-18) : Electricity & Heat eBook)
A study of Ohm's law for resistors. Collects data graphically against time to allow the students to change plot to voltage vs current.
Ohms law current vs voltage plot (34a) (Physics (14-18) : Electricity & Heat eBook)
Activity set up to let the software plot voltage vs current directly. Opens the possibility of more investigation of the relationship between voltage and current and the type of resistance. Resistance can also be calculated and plotted.
Electrical characteristics (Led, diode) (Physics (14-18) : Electricity & Heat eBook)
Restricted instructions for voltage current curves for diodes.
Time constant of a capacitor (Physics (14-18) : Electricity & Heat eBook)
A good example of data logging enhancing work. collect voltage (and current data, if required) to study time constants and exponential decay. A very good practical.
Energy stored on a capacitor (Physics (14-18) : Electricity & Heat eBook)
This investigation allows the student to calculate the energy stored in the capacitor, it is an extension of the work started in 37 Charge stored on a capacitor.
Extension leads (Physics (14-18) : Electricity & Heat eBook)
Why do they always tell you to fully unwind an extension lead? a simple investigation to model power loss over long cable runs.
Water from electric (Physics (14-18) : Electricity & Heat eBook)
In the experiment the user is asked to investigate the relationship between height of water (the head) and / or the flow of the water over a simple turbine. Opportunity for investigation and design
Efficiency of a transformer (Physics (14-18) : Electricity & Heat eBook)
Simple experiment to measure volts in and volts out. Data collected can be used to show phase match / difference and power in and power out.
Dc characteristic of a diode (Physics (14-18) : Electricity & Heat eBook)
A more detailed study of diodes than a simple voltage current curve. Students study 1. How does the current change as the voltage across the diode increases? 2. How does the V vs. I characteristic change if the voltage is reversed? 3. When the diode is conducting how does resistance vary.
An experimental estimation of Planck's constant (Physics (14-18) : Light, Sound & Pressure eBook)
Uses LEDs of known frequency and measures the forward voltage for first illumination. A plot of turn on voltage vs wavelength leads to an estimate of the constant.
Waves and superposition (Physics (14-18) : Light, Sound & Pressure eBook)
This investigation allows the students to collect waves generated by a signal generator and use the tools in the EASYSENSE software to add them and see the effects of superposition. This can be complex idea for many students and the ability to use real data and waves gives an alternative learning path.