4.3 micro:bit and more (with makecode editor)
3V Vertical Submersible Water Pump
Water pump
25110This 3V vertical submersible low power water...
:Create Interface board for micro:bit and fischertechnik
Shield for sensor/input/output
5656Bridge the gap between fischertechnik STEM kits &...
:GAME ZIP 64 for the BBC micro:bit
Shield with input
5626The :GAME ZIP 64 is the ultimate retro...
:Klef Piano for the BBC micro:bit
Shield with input
5631Unlock your inner composer with the Kitronik :KLEF...
A5 Printed Sensors Set of 3
Conductive Paint Sensor
SKU-7000Use paper as a sensor. See tutorial here for use...
AQ:BIT - Atmospheric Control add-on
WiFi shield for micro:bit
000046The AQ stands for atmospheric quality meaning that the AQ:bit...
Arcade for micro:bit
Shield with input
56116A fully featured programmable gamepad for use with...
E-textile kit for the BBC micro:bit
Sewable electronics
5607The E-Textiles kit for the BBC micro:bit offers...
Electro-Fashion, Push Button Switch
Sewable electronics
2708This sewable push switch from Kitronik can be...
F5 8 outputs, 6 inputs I/O board (5V and 3.3 V) for micro:bit and fischertechnik
Shield for sensor/input/output
ROB00132A fischertechnik-> micro:bit shield for 5v and 3.3...
Grove Inventor Kit for the BBC micro:bit (8 sensors/ outputs)
110060762The Grove Inventor Kit for Micro:bit brings endless...
In-Line Geared TT Hobby Motor with wires - Croc Clips
Motor and wheel
25113This version of our 90RPM in-line geared TT...
Inventor's kit for BBC micro:bit
5603Contains everything you need to complete 10 experiments...
Kitronik 'Mini' Prong Soil Moisture Sensor for BBC micro:bit
56107The Mini Prong soil sensor is a short...
Kitronik :GAME Controller for micro:bit
Shield with input
5644The Kitronik :GAME Controller for the BBC micro:bit...
Kitronik :VIEW Graphics128 OLED display 128x64 for BBC micro:bit
56115Display meaningful output from your micro:bit project with...
Kitronik Air Quality and Environmental Board for micro:bit
Shield for sensor/input/output
5674Monitor and analyse the air you breathe...
Kitronik Alarm Clock Kit with ZIP Halo HD for micro:bit
Model Pack with sensor/input/output
5681Explore time, light, and also sound with the...
Kitronik ARCADE for MakeCode Arcade
Game Kit
5311Develop your coding skills with the Kitronik ARCADE,...
Kitronik Compact Motor Driver Board for the BBC micro:bit
Shield for sensor/input/output
5698Add motor driving capability to the microbit with the Kitronik...
Kitronik Discovery Kit for the BBC micro:bit
5666Take your first steps in physical computing with...
Kitronik Environmental Control Board for BBC micro:bit
Shield for sensor/input/output
5697Unlock the secrets of nature with code, engineering, and...
Kitronik LAB:bit educational platform
Model Pack with sensor/input/output
56101Learn - Code - Action! The all-in-one laboratory...
Kitronik Lesson in a Box ™ Visual Computing Pack for micro:bit
Model Pack with sensor/input/output
5667Designed by Teacher's and tested by Pupil's to...
Kitronik Smart Greenhouse Kit for the BBC micro:bit
Green House
5699Unlock the secrets of nature with code, engineering, and...
Klip Motor Driver for BBC micro:bit
Shield for sensor/input/output
5655Do more than just drive motors. It breaks...
Lesson in a Box Simple Robotics Kit (11 sets + lesson materials)
Model Pack with sensor/input/output
5657The Lesson in a Box (Simple Robotics) is...
Pi-F5 - interface for Raspberry Pi
Shield for sensor/input/output
ROB00166The Pi-F5-HAT can control DC and SERVO motors...
Simple Robotics Cardboard Chassis - 25 Pack
Model Pack
2063These pre cut cardboard chassis pieces are replacements...
Simple Robotics Kit (for the micro:bit)
Model Pack with sensor/input/output
5665Our Simple Robotics Kit is an easy build,...
SparkFun Soil Moisture Sensor (with Screw Terminals)
SEN-13637The SparkFun Soil Moisture Sensor is a simple...
SparkFun Weather:bit
Shield with sensor/input
DEV-15837Measure barometric pressure, relative humidity and temperature readings, wind speed,...
T5 8 outputs 6 inputs 3.3 and 5V I/O board for the micro:bit
Shield for sensor/input/output
ROB00130A brand new micro:bit shield with for 5v...
Ultrasonic Sensor - HC-SR04, 5V
SEN-13959This is the HC-SR04 ultrasonic ranging sensor. This...
WiFi:bit ESP8266
WiFi shield for micro:bit
222072A micro:bit add-on that will enable internet connection via...