Nearpod Instructional Suite

Software Online Subscription


Product Description

Nearpod: combines engaging media and
formative assessments to make      every lesson interactive


Create your lesson, knowing it will work in any scenario or device landscape

Live Participation

Whether in-person or with remote video conferencing, control the pace of the lesson and let students participate on their own devices.


Allow students to progress at their own pace. This mode works well at home or when working in centers. 

Front of Class

Use Nearpod even without student devices — project your lesson or video and facilitate collaborative discussions.


Enhance your PowerPoint or Google Slides
with the Nearpod Content & Activities:




Downloading and customizing lessons, videos and activities from the Nearpod library of 8,500+

Quizzes & Games


Maths Manipulatives




Explaining Nearpood in 5 minutes at BETT show, London