Welcome to ETC Educational Technology Connection (HK) Ltd!
Ohbots 'sense' spoken words and recognise faces and movements. They can be programmed to 'think' using either a graphical block programming language or Python textual language.
Ohbots 'act' using motors and sound. They can be made to look around, blink and smile. Each servo can be set to a precise position and they can speak by converting words into sound. Ohbot's speech comes from speakers or headphones attached to a computer.
Ohbots have to stay connected to a computer via a USB cable to work.
Comes with 4 users license of the software. Order more licenses if needed.
Getting started with Ohbot guide
Visit this Ohbot App blocks guide page https://community.ohbot.co.uk/ohbothelp/help40.html
To use the AI features, you need to download the Ohbot App 2 beta version: https://www.ohbot.co.uk/ohapp2.html
Summary of the new tools in Ohbot App Two
Visit here https://www.ohbot.co.uk/ai.html for guide
Download OhBot ChatGPT sample codehttps://community.ohbot.co.uk/Explore/Creation?id=7103