Interactive Physics

Software Download

Design Simulation

Product Description

Science, Technology, Engineering and Math: Interactive Physics is the perfect match for STEM education

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Interactive Physics, the award-winning educational software from Design Simulation Technologies, makes it easy to observe, discover, and explore the physical world through exciting simulation. This easy-to-use program will support the most basic to complex topics in STEM education.

Discovery Oriented - Interactivity is key

Interactive Physics is a powerful tool for discovery learning and helps students visualize and learn abstract concepts. It develops inquiry skills and physics knowledge by allowing the user to vary nearly any physical parameter (e.g., gravity, force, speed, spring constants) and to measure its effect on nearly any measurable quantity (e.g., position, energy, decibel level).

Click here to learn how NASA uses Interactive Physics to support STEM education in their Aerospace Engineering teacher development program.


Watch what Interactive Physics is all about in this 6 minutes short video by The ScienceMan:

a 30 minutes tutorial on how to build  simple machines - lever

See more Interactive Physics tutorials:  Interactive Physics YouTube channel

Click here for an Interactive Physics brochure in English.


License options - one-off payment
HK$ 2,392.00

single user