BrainPOP builds essential literacy skills in all subjects and delivers real-time insights, so you always know your impact.
All BrainPOP classrooms drive measurable learning outcomes. Whether you're teaching right angles or the Wright Brothers, you're building students' background knowledge, vocabulary, and reading comprehension.
Through short, information packed "topic movies",
BrainPOP engages learners via narrative, humor, and characters who speak in a voice kids can relate to, encouraging self-directed learning and further exploration of the world around them.
What makes BrainPOP movies Unique? Read more
Movies Pause Points - an Interactive, Active Learning experience, Read more
Subjects and number of topics BrainPOP covered:
Arts and Music 60+
Biology 110+
Chemistry 30+
Computing 60+
Economics 30+
English 190+
Geography 160+
Health 200+
History and Culture 260+
Maths 140+
Physics 210+
Social Emotional Learning, SEL 100+
Study and Exam Skills 60+
Technology 80+

- BrainPOP Movies
- Movie Pause Points
- BrainPOP Quizzes
- Challenges
- Make-a-Movie
Make-a-Map (Mindmap)
Creative Coding
- Primary Source
- Related Readings
- Vocabulary
- Graphic Organizer
- Worksheets
- Immersive Reader
- Lesson Ideas
Power up any subject with Essential Literacy Skills
With every BrainPOP learning experience, students are building the key literacy skills that are essential to meeting your curriculum standards. Literacy skills are critical for learning in all parts of the curriculum and serve as a prerequisite for academic and long-term career success.
Reading Comprehension
Make logical inferences from explicit details; cite specific evidence to support conclusions drawn
Determine central ideas and summarize the key supporting details and ideas
Interpret words and phrases as they are used in a text
Integrate and evaluate content presented in diverse media formats

- Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources, assess the credibility and accuracy of each source
Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research

Language Arts
Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown words by using context clues and analyzing meaningful word parts
- Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings
- Acquire and use accurately a range of general academic and domain-specific words and phrases
The Best Lesson You’ll Ever Teach is Tomorrow’s
with BrainPOP’s New Insights Reports
Imagine entering your classroom tomorrow with multiple data points about your students’ recent performance. You’d know exactly how to adapt your lesson to deepen their understanding!
When you log in to BrainPOP’s Insights Reports, you gain a detailed understanding of each student’s real-time progress and performance, ensuring that each lesson is thoughtfully designed to meet your students exactly where they are in their learning journey.

Assignment Summary Overview
Identify Skill Gaps: Quickly identify individual skill gaps so you know which students to check in with during independent work time to meet them exactly where they are.
Monitor Student Engagement: Solve the problem of work completed too quickly, or assignments missed altogether, and work to ensure active participation.
Reinforce Content Knowledge: Identify areas where students lack context, and individualize instruction by assigning relevant BrainPOP lessons.
Assignment Assessment Report
Complete Error Analysis: The bar graph in this report lets you visualize students’ answer choices so that you can pinpoint exactly what they misunderstand.
Understand Student Thinking: Question details offer insights into students’ thought processes and common misconceptions so that you can adapt more effectively.
Navigate Multiple Data Points: Streamline your review with the question navigation feature, which lets you navigate across questions that address the same standard.

Individual Student Literacy Report
Utilize Current Levels: Differentiate reading assignments confidently by understanding which students may need additional support or new challenges.
Reinforce Literacy Skills: This report makes prioritizing literacy simple. Find which skills students struggle with to know what to incorporate into your instruction.
Work with Colleagues: No one teacher can be responsible for literacy outcomes. Identify trends across student groups, and divide and conquer interventions.
Video Tips from the BrainPOP Professional Team:
BrainPOP Modifications
Discover strategies for modifying each BrainPOP learning activity for varied contexts and learners including offline instruction, diverse learners, and language development for ELLs
Sample Pacing Guides (Lesson plan) across subjects
These guides reflect the BrainPOP suggested frame: build knowledge, apply and assess, and depend and extend.