Software Online Subscription


Product Description

BrainPOP builds essential literacy skills in all subjects and delivers real-time insights, so you always know your impact. 

All BrainPOP classrooms drive measurable learning outcomes. Whether you're teaching right angles or the Wright Brothers, you're building students' background knowledge, vocabulary, and reading comprehension.  


Through short, information packed "topic movies",
BrainPOP engages learners via narrative, humor, and characters who speak in a voice kids can relate to
,  encouraging self-directed learning and further exploration of the world around them.

What makes BrainPOP movies Unique? Read more
Movies Pause Points - an Interactive, Active Learning experience, Read more



Subjects and number of topics BrainPOP covered:

  1. Arts and Music 60+ 
  2. Biology  110+ 
  3. Chemistry  30+  
  4. Computing  60+ 
  5. Economics  30+  
  1. English  190+ 
  2. Geography  160+  
  3. Health  200+  
  4. History and Culture   260+   
  5. Maths  140+ 
  1. Physics  210+ 
  2. Social Emotional Learning, SEL  100+  
  3. Study and Exam Skills  60+  
  4. Technology  80+  




  1. BrainPOP Movies
  2. Movie Pause Points
  3. BrainPOP  Quizzes
  4. Challenges
  1. Make-a-Movie
  2. Make-a-Map (Mindmap)
  3. Creative Coding 
  4. Primary Source
  1. Related Readings
  2. Vocabulary
  3. Graphic Organizer
  4. Worksheets
  5. Immersive Reader
  6. Lesson Ideas


12-month school + home access subscription
Add: BrainPOP Jr
HK$ 24,240.00

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