Under $1,000
Merit Stickers (pack of 10)
Stickers / Sticker Book
T46Rewards that your pupils will want and you...
Merry-Go-Round 旋轉木馬 @STEM II 12 models
single micro:bit model from pack
You can find various models of merry-go-rounds...
Metal Safety Rulers 30cm, pack of 10 units
Maker's Tools
TTR10We have now modified this ruler so the...
MI:power board for the micro:bit v.1 and v.2
Battery Holder and Battery
CK_5610-V2_01The MI:power board for the BBC micro:bit brings...
MI:pro 'Mountable' Case for the BBC micro:bit
Micro:bit protective case
56103Keep the BBC micro:bit safe with the MI:pro....
Motor Test Bench 馬達測試台 @STEM II 12 models
single micro:bit model from pack
An engine test bench allows certain technical...
Multiplication (and Division) flashcard
JL206Multiplication Flash Cards - perfect for use with Flashbot®...
My Alphabet Storybooks (pack of 26)
TD79Go on a reading adventure with your Letterland...
My First Alphabet Activity Book
Activity Book
TD03This bright book helps children link letter shapes...
My First Handwriting Activity Book
Activity Book
TD01Packed full of fun pre-writing activities that focus...
My first phonics flashcard
TF02This set of 125 double-sided cards features the...
My First Reading Activity Book
Activity Book
TD02This fun-filled activity book is designed to help...
My First Rhyming Activity Book
Activity Book
TD04This activity book encourages children to take the...
My Oxford Reading Tree Dictionary
978-0-19-276964-0A new dictionary to support reading the Oxford Reading...
My Second Alphabet Activity Book
Activity Book
TD07This bright book is packed with carefully sequenced...
My Second Handwriting Activity Book
Activity Book
TD05This write-in activity book is for children progressing...
My Second Reading Activity Book
Activity Book
TD06This great revised activity book encourages children to...
My Second Rhyming Activity Book
Activity Book
TD08This lively new activity book is full of...
Noise Pack for Kitronik Inventor's Kit for the BBC micro:bit
5603-NOISEExplore the complexities of sound & noise with...
noise:bit Add-on for the BBC micro:bit
Speaker with shield
46163Make your micro:bit sing with noise:bit! It's a...
Obstacle Course
T10113Challenge students to program Bee-Bot® through the obstacle...
ORT All Stars Fiction : Pack 1
978-0-19-837693-4Quality chapter books your most able infant readers...
ORT All Stars Fiction : Pack 1A
978-0-19-837701-6Quality chapter books your most able infant readers...
ORT All Stars Fiction : Pack 2
978-0-19-837709-2Quality chapter books your most able infant readers...
ORT All Stars Fiction : Pack 2A
978-0-19-837717-7Quality chapter books your most able infant readers...
ORT All Stars Fiction : Pack 3
978-0-19-837733-7Quality chapter books your most able infant readers...
ORT All Stars Fiction : Pack 3A
978-0-19-837741-2Quality chapter books your most able infant readers...
ORT Decode and Develop Stage 1
978-0-19-848367-0Six brand new wordless Biff, Chip and Kipper...
ORT Decode and Develop Stage 1 More A
78-0-19-848891-0Six brand new wordless Biff, Chip and Kipper...
ORT Decode and Develop Stage 1 More B
978-0-19-836422-1Six brand new wordless Biff, Chip and Kipper...
ORT Decode and Develop Stage 1+
978-0-19-848376-2Six brand new Biff, Chip and Kipper Stories....
ORT Decode and Develop Stage 1+ More A
978-0-19-848899-6Six brand new Biff, Chip and Kipper Stories....
ORT Decode and Develop Stage 1+ More B
978-0-19-836430-6Six brand new Biff, Chip and Kipper Stories....
ORT Decode and Develop Stage 2
978-0-19-848907-8Brand new Biff, Chip and Kipper Stories. Perfect...
ORT Decode and Develop Stage 2 More A
978-0-19-848907-8Brand new Biff, Chip and Kipper Stories. Perfect...
ORT Decode and Develop Stage 2 More B
978-0-19-836438-2Brand new Biff, Chip and Kipper Stories. Perfect...
ORT Decode and Develop Stage 3
978-0-19-848394-6Brand new Biff, Chip and Kipper Stories. Perfect...
ORT Decode and Develop Stage 3 More A
978-0-19-848916-0Brand new Biff, Chip and Kipper Stories. Perfect...
ORT Decode and Develop Stage 4
978-0-19-848403-5Brand new Biff, Chip and Kipper Stories. Perfect...
ORT Decode and Develop Stage 5
978-0-19-848412-7Brand new Biff, Chip and Kipper Stories. An...
ORT Decode and Develop Stage 6
978-0-19-830014-4Brand new Biff, Chip and Kipper Stories. An...