Under $500
Flexible rail profile, green/ blue, 90/ 180mm
spare parts
155901The fischertechnik flexible rail profile for optimal track...
Fluorescent Knüpferli
Soft Construction Materials
223203Each pack comes in a big mixed packing with...
Gear cube, red
spare parts
35115Creative vehicle building with the fischertechnik drive cube
Gear wheels, T15/ T20/ T30/ T40
spare parts
31022Easily arrange different chains using sprockets Different chains...
Green lead, 300/ 3500 mm
spare parts
147009The fischertechnik 1-wire electronic element lead
Hand dryer 乾手機 @STEM II with 12 models
single micro:bit model from pack
Hand dryer: you certainly won't have anything...
Hose connection, Compressor
spare parts
121640The fischertechnik hose connection pneumatic element for the...
Hose connection, solenoid valve
spare parts
35328The fischertechnik hose connection pneumatic element for the...
I-Strut with hole, yellow/ black/ silver/ green/ red, 15/ 30/ 45/ 60/ 75/ 90 /105/ 120
spare parts
38538fischertechnik I-Strut with hole for optimal structural strength...
I-Strut, yellow/ black/ silver, 15/ 30/ 45/ 60/ 75/ 90 /105/ 120
spare parts
31764Optimal structural strength using the fischertechnik I-Strut The...
Impulse wheel 4, black
spare parts
37157Generate movement and drive for fischertechnik models
Knüpferli Contrast
Soft Construction Materials
223228Each pack comes in a big mixed packing with...
Knüpferli Fire
Soft Construction Materials
223226Each pack comes in a big mixed packing with...
Knüpferli Gold
Soft Construction Materials
223206Each pack comes in a big mixed packing with...
Knüpferli meadow
Soft Construction Materials
223225Each pack comes in a big mixed packing with...
Knüpferli Mixed Packing New Colours
Soft Construction Materials
223218Each pack comes in a big mixed packing with...
Knüpferli Sea
Soft Construction Materials
223227Each pack comes in a big mixed packing with...
Left side panel, silver/ green/ yellow
spare parts
163436The new fischertechnik vehicle design
Lens tip lamp 9V 0.15A
spare parts
37875Provide light source for the photo transistor (light...
Light barriers LED 9V assambled 0.01A
162135A light-emitting diode is a semiconductor element that...
Light cap, red / blue/ green/ orange/ yellow/ transparent
spare parts
35079Different light colors with the fischertechnik light cap
Lighthouse 燈塔 @STEM II 12 models
single micro:bit model from pack
Lighthouses stand at important or dangerous points...
Educational Toys
103600With these futuristic building blocks the buildings shine...
Educational Toys
103602With these futuristic building blocks the buildings shine...
Magnetic ball holder, black
spare parts
119850The magnetic ball holder for fischertechnik models