UNITS 1-10 » DR1- Set 1 Units 1-10 'Sam'




Product Description

Units 1-10

Books for beginner and ′catch-up′ readers aged 4-7 (KS1)

Dandelion Readers complement and follow on from the Dandelion Launchers series, with more text in each book.

  • Three parallel sets, each with 10 different books,
  • Introduce the sounds of the alphabet and adjacent consonants.
  • Matches Phases 2 and 4 of UK ′Letters and Sounds′ curriculum
  • Complemented by workbooks

DR1- Set 1 Units 1-10 'Sam'
Introduce the sounds of the alphabet and adjacent consonants. (10 books)

Unit 1: s, a, t, i, m,
Unit 2: n, o, p,
Unit 3: b, c, g, h,
Unit 4: d, e, f, v,
Unit 5: k, l, r, u,
Unit 6: j, w, z,
Unit 7: x, y, ff, ll, ss, zz
Unit 8: VCC, CVCC
Unit 9: CCVC
Unit 10: CCVCC


HK$ 220.00
